Monday, January 7, 2013

Bored: L.A.

I've been on break from school and have less than a week left before I have to return to the halls of Art Center and live there for 14 hours a day.

As I have been on break, I had quite the time catching up on sleep, snowboarding, people, sleep... oh did I mention sleep? 

I also spent my holidays catching up on partying and getting sick (hoorah...). 

As I've been sick, I've also been alone for the most part as many of my friends are busy with work and/or their own lives. 
I don't mind this at all as I'm a recluse most of the time anyway.

But sometimes, like today, when the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and all that other cliche crap, you kind of want to experience the world.

Mind you, I'm not talking about the typical kind of, call you friends up and walk around and do the usual kind of drabby stuff.
I'm more so talking about exploring what the city, has to offer and realize just how small we are in the world. 

So what did I end up doing?


First, I googled of course-- I mean, who doesn't google everything right? Right.

I googled an array of phrases from "things to do in Los Angeles alone", "fun things in L.A" and "hairless chickens". Granted the last phrase didn't really fit into my original quest of finding things to do in L.A., but hairless chickens look so damn funny I couldn't help myself. 

So what did I find?

Well, I found really typical and stupid things to do and in no particular order here they are:

  1. Shave off all your body hair (what the...)
  2. Go shopping with only $5 
  3. Try to invent a new way to play solitaire (...)
  4. Take a really long bath (baths are disgusting!)
  5. Sleep (...)
  6. Make a fake Facebook account (seriously?)
  7. Get all dressed up to do something really normal, like grocery shopping (no.)
  8. Griffith Observatory (not dumb but already done.)
  9. Walk down Hollywood (I live in L.A. I'm not a tourist.)
  10. Go to clubbing (it's 3pm..)
Now some of these things are normal and the majority are stupid.

I mean, is there really nothing to do alone?? Come on!

I may have to come up with my own list of fun things to do that aren't this typical or stupid...

What did I end up doing anyway?
Well, I took a bit of 'me' time and went for a long walk around my neighborhood.  After about an hour of walking I came home and decided to blog.
I have to say though, that walking and spending time outside, alone and having some quiet time for yourself is such a great experience.
But I definitely need to take advantage of this city and when I do, my list and my experiences will be posted!

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